Tropical FIsh Tank not working out? - huge fish tank ornaments
Hello, I had my tropical aquarium for Christmas this year. Since I lived, unfortunately, many fish. This is a 50-gallon tank, water changes weekly with 10% of the treated wastewater. I clean the filter at a time, which changes from that of water. I feed the fish with a pinch of food, either daily or every two days. I eat this food vary between scales, Pleco foods and food ingredients to the floor. Now I have 4 danios, 2 swordtails, 2 Red-eye teras silver, 1 Platy, Molly 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. gold pleco left.
All fish are fairly small, and I have no overcrowding with ornaments and plants, but still have many places to hide.
But I think I have far too few in mind, I think I care to take the tank. When a fish died recently, usually one days later, I noticed a very large part of the tail fin is gone. Originally I thought it was so lazy, but literally walk very well that the road went to a large mass, not progressive.
One of my tetrasis now so large in comparison to other fish. He eats everything that happens, and tracking of all fish. Is it possible that this fish can bite other fish and kill them?
I realized there were two fish these missing pieces in their front flippers, but rose again, but most of my other fish have not so lucky! I tried to treat the tank before the fin only Incase.
Has anyone any idea what you are injured, or if tetras was perceived as aggressive?
When a fish has seriously exceeded remove other and cause chaos in the tank, you place it. The simplest, most common reaction is often the feeling right.
If you have any difficulties, so keep fish, I recommend starting over. Floor of the tank with a single species, and only him alone for a few months before you make any changes.
When going for example, all tetra fish, an addition to the right, and add 5 more tetras, they will be in a school. The school is their natural existence and the only way to get the tension fish free education and health for the long term too. Better yet, remove the two tetras and go with a smaller variety is best suited to your tank - Neon, Cardinal, head light tail rummynose, luminescence ...
If after a few months ago, still have all the tetras, they are already better. In 5 of 6 are alive, you are always very good.
It is also important that the research does not fish and maintaining appropriate for the tank. Did you know that your Nugget Pleco (gold? Should grow qu) at 8 &ot - 12 "long! your tank is not suitable for this species, but if you're ready to add more fish, try a small group of Corydoras catfish - are much more suited to small tanks.
Yes, the Tetra is probably the culprit. The exchange disadvantages relax a bit - neons or cardinals, and see how it goes.
Just keep an eye on them, or contact your local fish stored LoCall
Theres no doubt that the Tetra. What kind of Tetra? Red-eye tetras money can be very aggressive, but not common. I want a bag of fish, diving in water and put it in his pocket. Then you can look for other injuries, and so is he.
When injuries occur, with the stop Tetra back into the shop to find a good home, though elsewhere, with the food they put in their place!
I trade in other tetras. : '(But maybe you can try this case again? Luckky could. Get another 3 or so, as in groups of four or more.
Gaphy Btw, there are many plecostomatus dwarf. The growth of only 3-4 cm. I have a dwarf pleco. If I do not think they see the ... ...
It's called dwarf Pleco Goldfeld.
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